Beginning an evangelism study: “Every One His Witness” as we learn how to share our faith.
Service Times:
Divine Service 1st & 3rd Sundays Service of the Word 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10:30am
Sunday School
Adult Bible study - 9:30am
Children's Sunday School - 9:30am
Bulletin Cover:
A BENEFIT DINNER - in support of Ashley Jowers and her family will be held today immediately following the morning’s Divine Service. Smoked pulled pork, chicken, cheesy potatoes, green beans and desserts will be served. A free will offering will be gathered to be given to the Jowers family.
INSTALLATION TODAY - Following the offering we will install our 2025 officers and board members. Even if you have been in your current position for a year or two, you are invited to come forward to renew your commitment as well as to have the congregation renew their commitment to you. We thank all who have volunteered to serve for 2025 as well as those whose terms now come to a close.
SUNDAY SCHOOL - During the Sunday School hour (9:30-10:15 am) the adult class is beginning an evangelism study: “Every One His Witness” as we learn how to share our faith. The Middle and High School class is starting a new study entitled “How We Got the Bible” during the Sunday School hour. All middle and high schoolers are encouraged to participate!
HELP NEEDED - If you are able to stay after the Service today to help take down the Christmas decorations, it is greatly appreciated.
THANK YOU - “Our entire family thanks you for the special funeral flower arrangements, all the prayers and for sharing in the Services for our Dad/ Husband/Grandpa – Robert Colburn. We are truly grateful for our church family.” ~ Betty, Kim, Charles and families
THANK YOU - “Thank you to the congregation for the many cards and gifts during the Christmas season. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. We certainly are blessed to have the opportunity to serve the Lord of the church together with you. A continued Merry Christmas to all of you and have a blessed new year!” ~ Pastor and Julee Slater
LWML MEETING - for January will be held this Tuesday, January 14th, at 2:00 pm so that everyone can be home before dark. Cathy will send an update to those who won’t be able to make it at that time. Marilyn will have the opening and closing. Hostesses will be Diane, Pam, and Kim.
WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY - will be held starting this Wednesday, January 15th, through Wednesday, February 26th from 7:00-8:00 pm. “See Through the Scriptures” will help us grasp the big story that unfolds from Genesis to Revelation and that reveals God’s plan for humanity in time and for eternity. Don’t miss! Be sure to take advantage of this study as together we seek to follow our Lord in our lives and remain faithful to His word.
THE ANNUAL PANCAKE FEED - hosted by the men of the Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL) along with the youth of the congregation will be held Monday evening, January 20th from 5:00-6:30 pm. Invite your friends!
OUR REGULAR QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING - will be held Sunday, January 26th. A potluck meal will follow immediately after the morning’s Service and then we will hold our meeting.
PRIVATE CONFESSION & ABSOLUTION - Pastor Slater will be available in his office, for any individuals who would like to have private Confession and Absolution in preparation for receiving Holy Communion, from 9:00am to Noon, each Saturday prior to the Sundays in which the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated. This is of course voluntary and not required for receiving Communion. Just an opportunity to further prepare your heart and mind for anyone who might so desire. See the November Calendar and Notes for more on this. Any questions, please let Pastor know.
THE JANUARY CALENDAR and NOTES - can be found on the stand in the narthex.
BOARD of MISSIONS COLLECTION - For the month of January we are collecting non-perishable food items for the Moundridge Food Bank. Donated items can be placed in the cart located by the church office. Thanks!
JANUARY – MARCH PORTALS OF PRAYER - (including large-print) can be found on the shelf in the narthex.
Mark Your Calendar
Jan. 20th – LLL Pancake Feed (evening)
Jan. 26th – Potluck and Voters’ Assembly meeting
Feb. 4th, Mar. 4th, April 1st – LLL meeting (Men’s Group) in the evening
Feb. 9th – Fellowship and Games after Service
Mar. 5th – Ash Wednesday (Lent begins)
Mar. 23rd – LWML Chicken Noodle Dinner
Prayer Requests
+ For Judy Thomas, Jeff Biehler, Fred Renken, Richard Andrus, Ladonna Westbrook, Pete Hubbard (Julee Slater’s father), Krista Clites (sister of Jamie Kohl), Danae Huffman (sister of Dayna Lange) and Ashley Jowers.
+ For those who battle addictions and/or are incarcerated, that they may know the peace and hope that only Jesus can give.
+ Our civic leaders and law enforcement and military personnel.
+ Peace in the Ukraine and the Middle East.
LUTHERAN TALK AND MUSIC MOBILE APP…You can listen to Lutheran talk and music 24/7, anytime, anywhere with the free Lutheran Public Radio app. You can download for your cell phone at the App Store, Google Play, Amazon Appstore or at
Study God's Word in 2023...The Word of the Lord Endures Forever is a daily, 15 minute, verse-by-verse Bible study produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon. You can listen at or your favortite podcast provider.
Want something else new to listen to? Check out our sister sites:
Good News, Immanuel Lutheran is now signed up with Dillon Food Stores as a charitable organization, by which as a Dillons Plus card holder, you can now log into your account and designate us as your choice to receive Community Rewards. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Dillons donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Dillons Community Rewards organizations. Click below for the Community Rewards page.
Click above for Dillons Community Rewards webpage.